Renewable Material

It’s important to note that wood comes from trees, a natural resource, making it one of the most renewable materials on the planet.

Trees play an essential role in our lives and the environment, serving as a crucial element of mountain and forest vegetation and biodiversity.

Wood is a renewable material that contributes to sustainable development, as its transformation, primarily based on renewable energies, requires less energy than other materials.

Wood has very low environmental impact indicators; in fact, the environmental lifecycle assessment of wooden containers, packaging, and pallets, from their manufacturing to recycling, is more advantageous than that of other materials, according to various studies.

The use of wood offers an immediate environmental benefit.


Climate Change and CO2

The carbon footprint of a product corresponds to the total greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere during its lifespan. This includes the amount of gas emitted during the production of its raw materials, the production of the final product, its subsequent use, and disposal, as well as the closure of the cycle.

This is where the choice of materials during the manufacturing of certain products becomes important. In this regard, wood is a natural and renewable material. As trees grow, they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, reducing this gas and replacing it with oxygen.

This means that products made from wood will have a very low, or even negative, carbon footprint, as the raw material they are composed of not only did not emit greenhouse gases during its production but also absorbed them.

Proper use of wood helps reduce environmental impact.


Recycling and Recovery

Wooden packaging used for the distribution of fruits or vegetables should be disposed of in yellow garbage bins.

Recycling wooden crates is very simple. The process begins with the compaction of the packaging using presses. Once cleaned of other materials, it is crushed. During this same operation, attached metal pieces are separated using electromagnets.

After the recycling process, the wood from these crates is used as compost for agriculture and to manufacture particleboards for furniture or construction. Those not recycled are used as fuel in the form of pellets.

As for wood chips, after a finer second grinding, they are used as raw material in the production of other wood by-products, such as heating briquettes, sawdust, etc.

Circular Economy

The circular economy is an economic concept related to sustainability in which wood is the primary raw material, meeting all the requirements for generating sustainable growth